Student Wellness
Our Student Health and Wellness team, consisting of nurses, counselors, athletic trainers, and a local physician, plans and implements programs that promote the safety and well-being of our students in order to create a warm and supportive environment.
Health Center
Our Health center is staffed by four nurses that offer daily clinical care for students. A local physician also holds regular clinic hours on-campus during the week to see students where necessary. Our dedicated and experienced staff is able to meet a range of health care needs.
In the event of an emergency, Sharon Hospital is located only 10 minutes away.
Counseling Department
Three on-site school counselors are available to work with our students during the week. They offer one-on-one support on both a weekly and as needed basis. Additionally, they implement a range of age-specific programming for small groups to encourage appropriate social and emotional growth.
Athletic Training
Working in tandem with the Health Center, two athletic trainers support our athletes during competitions and practices, and offer care and injury rehabilitation as needed. Additionally, they offer guidance on strength and conditioning programs, helping our athletes maintain a high level of fitness.
Faculty & Staff Contacts
Max Abendroth
Director of Athletics, Athletic Trainer, Contact Tracer
Departments:- Academic Support
- Athletics
- Electives
- Student Support
Campus:- Upper Campus
- 860-435-0871 x128
Lauren Frankenbach, LCSW
Director of Student Health and Wellness, Counselor
Departments:- Student Health
- Student Support
- Upper Campus
Campus:- Upper Campus
- 860-435-0871 x136
Lauren Graham
School Counselor
Departments:- Student Health
- Student Support
- Upper Campus
Campus:- Both Campuses
- 860-435-0871 x178
Eva Hodosy
School Counselor, Learning Specialist
Departments:- Academic Support
- Student Support
Campus:- Upper Campus
- 860-435-0871
Mackenzie Moschella
Department:- Student Health
Campus:- Both Campuses
- 860-435-0871 x120
Erin Ohler, RN
Director of Nursing and Medical Care
Department:- Student Health
Campus:- Both Campuses
- 860-435-0871 x120
Dawn Posey, RN
Assistant Director of Nursing and Medical Care
Department:- Student Health
Campus:- Both Campuses
- 860-435-0871 x120
Caitlin von Graf, RN
Registered Nurse
Departments:- Athletics
- Student Health
Campus:- Both Campuses
- 860-435-0871