Head of Lower School Rebekah Jordan addressed the fourth grade class on Moving Up day, June 4, 2015, with the follwoing words:

Congratulations, fourth grade!

Whether you have been with us for one year or six, you have certainly come a long
way in that time. As I’ve listened to you tell your stories and heard the memories
that your teachers have shared, one thing is abundantly clear. You are a group of
outstanding young individuals, each of whom has left your mark on the Lower

As you were singing the words of Avicii, one line in particular stood out to me: I
tried carrying the weight of the world, but I only have two hands. True, in theory. However, what you may not realize, is that this has changed. No, you haven’t miraculously sprouted new appendages, but something is different about you. You came to this school as unique individuals, just starting to figure out who you are. Over the course of the year, you have bonded with each other, from the opening picnic, to the Read-In, and on to Camp Jewell, you have gotten to know each other’s strengths and struggles, made each other laugh, lifted each other up, and pushed each other to new heights.
And so, on Tuesday, when we were rehearsing for this moment, Mr. Devey reminded
you of something important. He looked at you, and said, “Remember, today, you are
ONE.” And I will say again today, you are one class, one cohort, one community.
Those special individual traits that make each of you so different are also your
biggest strengths as a group. Next year, when you’re running out of steam on a big
project, you can call any one of your classmates and they will give you the pep talk
you need to keep going. If you’re stuck on the soccer field and just can’t seem to
master that next skill – you have strong athletes in your corner who will come out
and run drills with you. And if you’re having a rough day and just need someone to
tell you that it’s all going to be ok, I can guarantee you’ll find a sympathetic shoulder
to lean on.

Together, you can accomplish things that no one of you could ever do on your own.
Your two hands have multiplied and you now have the strength of your community
helping you carry whatever weights you might come across.

I want to leave you with one final line from the song for you to carry with you: I
can’t tell where the journey will end, but I know where to start. And you do, indeed.
Your journey beyond the Lower School has officially begun, and we couldn’t be more