We recently sat down with Dr. Scott Erickson, Interim Head of School, to reflect on his first 90 days at IMS and to discuss his goals for the rest of the school year.

How have your first 90 days been at IMS?

I’ve been at IMS for almost three months now, but two of those three months were in the summertime when there were hardly any students on campus. But this time gave me the chance to meet one-on-one with most of the faculty and staff at the school. I had a chance to build relationships with staff, faculty, and board members, and the opportunity to really settle into Becket House. So by the time school started right after Labor Day, I really felt like I belonged here.

Since everyone has been back on campus, I’ve enjoyed eating lunch with students, eating dinner with our residential community, and spending time visiting classes. I feel like I have a great understanding of the vibe and the community at IMS now. So I can safely say that the first 90 days have been terrific!

What is your impression of the students at IMS? 

My impression of the students here is that they are intellectually engaged. They are eager and come across very much as lifelong learners. They want to do the right thing. And they also seem very committed to the school’s mission and core values.

For example, I’ve seen our ninth grade leaders model what it means to be an IMS student every day. They get their work done. They’re diligent and study hard. They do what they have been asked. They create good relationships with faculty and staff. They are kind. And they represent people from all different parts of the globe. I think it’s that diversity and the commitment on the part of the students that ensures that everybody feels like they belong here.

What is your impression of the faculty and staff at IMS?

What I have found in my time meeting and getting to know our faculty and staff members is that they are very passionate about this school. They show up for their students, whether that be in class, cheering them on at games, participating in weekly events, or as an advisor. The faculty and staff are right there, committed to their students.

The other thing I will say is the faculty and staff here are experts at what they do. They are well-qualified and they bring that expertise into their offices and classroom spaces every day. They’re also a very likable group. They make school fun! It’s evident that they enjoy working together collectively to support each other and our students. And I think that makes a huge difference in the way the workplace feels for me when I come to work. 

Is there anything that surprised you about IMS? 

I’m actually surprised at how much I really like it here! And I say that not like it’s a stunning announcement. But, you know, I spent thirteen years at my previous school. I absolutely love that community. I helped establish some of the things that are now a part of the regular traditions at the school. And so for me, my departure was really bittersweet. I was excited about this next opportunity, but also very sad to leave that community.

So, I thought I would come to IMS and enjoy myself, but I am really surprised by how much I feel at home here, and I think that’s because of the excellence that we believe in at IMS and because of the people. 

What are your goals for the rest of your year at IMS?

The IMS board and community did a really good job outlining three primary objectives for me as the interim head of school at IMS.

The first one is to focus on community and culture building at IMS. It’s important as we navigate this time of change from a successful headship by Jody Reilly Soja into the new permanent headship, whoever that person is, to remain consistent with the joy and love that we cultivate here at IMS.

The second objective was for me to empower the senior leadership team. They are working very closely with faculty and staff members, with our students, and with our parents, every single day. And it’s my job, as the interim head of school, to empower and mentor them so they see this year as an opportunity for excellence.

Then the third objective is to make sure we continue our momentum in advancing the strategic plan. There are many ways we can do that, and I’m really happy to say that I’ve worked with the senior leadership team to identify seven particular areas where we’re focused on advancing the strategic plan this year. I think that our goal is that in June, we will say we really delivered on advancing our strategic plan so that the next head of school will be set up for success.

Lastly, what’s the story behind the shoes on display in your office?

I love displaying these shoes. These shoes were a gift from the students at my former school. The reason I think they selected this particular gift for me is that I was known at the school for having cool shoes, thanks to my husband, Ryan, who always helped me pick out the best pairs of Converse. One of the trustees at my former school designed these Converse shoes to include the core values of my former school on them – courage, kindness, community, and love of learning. I think that those core values are very similar to the way we live our lives here at IMS. I’m excited that I brought them here because every meeting I have in this office starts with a question, where did those shoes come from? That’s a really nice and gentle way to get the conversation started.

Dr. Erickson in his office with some of our eighth and ninth graders.