Sixteen fourth graders participated in the Moving Up Ceremony on Thursday, June 4, 2015, marking their transition to the fifth grade on our Upper Campus.
After the processional with accompanist Jo Loi, fourth graders sang Wake Me Up by Avicii, accompanied by Ms. Banks.
Head of School Mark A. Devey greeted the assembly with welcoming remarks, followed by Head of Lower School Rebekah Jordan’s speech to the class.                                                                    
Next, grades pre-K – three sang Colors of Earth by Sarah Pirtle, directed by Ms. Banks
Mr. Devey and Ms. Jordan presented the certificates followed by a slide show created by Ani Shaker

Congratulations Class of 2020

Tassilo Adams

Jamie Nelson Armstrong
Wade Frederick Barillaro
Derrick Paul Dellea
Jude Conrad Fowler
Cameron Gabrielle Hart
Alexandra Dunbar Kiggen
Aliza Mae Lewis
Sofia Zemenesh Lindholm
Olivia Mercedes Peterson Lucal
Emile Martin Miller
Katharine Cassatt Sanger
Alexia Isabel Tonelli
Giaco Paul Traggio
Alexander Kern Vagliano
Katharine Anne Holden Winston

Special Thanks to:

Lower School Parents, Lydia Woodard, Lower School Faculty for providing pictures
John Snelling – Technical Support
Ram Miles – Sound
All of the children of the Lower School