Congratulations to our fourth graders on their transition to the Upper Campus!

Class of 2018

Elizabeth Irene Barnes Schwartz
Emma Elizabeth Benardete
Hollis Hendricks Churchill
Ashton Nicholas Colangelo
Cameron Charles Henry Elliott
Peter Darst Gottsegen
Colin McGee Maxwell
Taylor Aubrey Maxwell
Madeleine Elizabeth Paddock
Fenway Parker Powers
Lilla Piacenza Powers
Peter Ellsworth Sanger
Bruno Alexander Sellers
Hannah D’Arcy Stewart
Ellie Laidlaw Traggio

Processional………………………………………….Grade Four

                                                             accompanist Donald Sosin
Welcoming Remarks……………………………L. Patricia Stanley
                                                                        Head of Lower School
Dream Big…………………………….……………..Grade Four
by Ryan Shupe                                    accompanied by Ms. Banks
Head of School Remarks……………………..Mr. Mark A. Devey
The River……………………….……Grades PreK – Grade Three
by Garth Brooks                                             Ms. Banks, Director
Presentation of Certificates……………Mr. Devey and Ms. Stanley
Slide Show……………………………..Created by Anna Traggio
       with help from….… Arliss Paddock and Margaret Colangelo

A punch and cookie reception in the courtyard immediately followed the ceremony.