‘Maroon’ Takes Back Title
The tradition of Maroon & Gray is one of both competition and community togetherness. When a new student or faculty member joins IMS, they are assigned to either the Maroon or Gray team in a ceremony that takes place on our mountain. Throughout the year, each team earns points through a series of all-school events (Mountain Day, Academic Bowl, Track and Field Day, etc.) as well as through academic achievement and acts of service to the community (Kudos Cards, Mountain Cards). The winning team is then announced during our Prize Day at the end of the year and their flag is raised. ⠀
What makes this tradition special is that while it is inherently a competition, it is above all a celebration of the IMS community. Take Mountain Day, which sees the entire Upper Campus come together for a day of competition. You’d be hard-pressed to not notice the intensity of the tug-of-war competition, but more importantly, you’ll see an entire community of students, faculty, and staff together and cheering each other on.⠀
And while at the end of the year, it’s either the Maroon or the Gray flag that will fly on the campus flagpole, the flag represents the entire IMS community and the belief that we have in each other. It represents each random act of kindness, each moment of compassion, each academic achievement, and ultimately the collective spirit of our community.