Our hard-working crew was honored for their tireless effort to beat back the snow and ice this winter.
SNOW DAY! Everyone at some point in their lives has loved to hear those words. A day off from school! A day to play in the snow; sled; make snowmen; sit by a fire with a hot chocolate. Things change, though, and for some “snow day” changes in meaning. Parents might wonder about day-care, administrators stress about making the call and teachers, while at first excited, might have a twinge of concern about their lesson planning. For the maintenance staff, though, “SNOW DAY!” is a call to arms. It means early mornings in sub-zero wind chills. It means weekends and late hours. It means plowing and shoveling places that will just be covered up again. It means more work, not less. And, of course, there are the days when it snows and school is still in session.
Google Winter 2010 – 2011 Snow CT and here are some of the hits one gets: Connecticut had a winter for the record books in 2010-2011…. Will the 2010-2011 winter season be the snowiest in CT’s history?… This breaks the previous two-day snowfall record… Connecticut broke the previous all-time greatest storm record… in preparation for the biggest winter storm during the winter of 2010–2011… Connecticut experienced up to 10 inches of snow and 3/4 inch ice ….. It goes on and on. Certainly this was a winter beyond the norm, and because of that, it called for efforts beyond the norm from the maintenance staff.
For shoveling at 6:00 AM and 3ºF: For digging out on a Sunday afternoon: For sanding before we walk on it and plowing before we drive on it: this Mountain Card is presented to the Indian Mountain Maintenance Staff.