IMS Peer Mediators have been selected for the 2010-11 school year. This year’s peer mediators are eager to be involved in resolving the conflicts and disputes of their fellow students. One of the main goals of the peer mediation program is to encourage students to resolve their differences through polite conversation rather than arguing, pushing, shoving, or fighting.


This year’s Peer Mediators are: Alassane K., Avian S., Chris I., Kate P., Andres E., Courtney B., and Jake E., who are advised by Tom Zenowitz of the Counseling Department. In discussing the reasons why they wanted to become peer mediators, the resounding response was “to help our classmates get along and be happy this year.” Conflicts are a daily occurrence at all schools. Mediation is a positive way to address these issues.


Mediation is a process of resolving disputes and conflicts with the help of a neutral third party, a peer-mediator, who facilitates the process. As Alassane stated: “We attack the problem, not the person,” referring to the mediators’ necessary neutrality.


Students can meet with Peer Mediators during Tuesday/Thursday Help & Work periods in the Third Floor Peer Mediation Room or at other times per request. The peer mediators will begin this schedule Tuesday, October 12.