After IMS, Will attended Berkshire School and later earned his B.S. in Finance from Lehigh University in May 2007. Will remained stateside for the next three years working as a broker in Manhattan for JP Morgan / Bear Stearns & Co. When he returned to Seoul in April 2011, he was commissioned as a lieutenant through Officer Candidate School, Republic Of Korea Army. Will worked for a US General as a Korean Officer, which was a unique and rewarding opportunity that offered him invaluable lessons on leadership and great insight into the military. In October 2014, Will started working for the Samyang Corporation and worked in the strategy and finance department of the holdings company. He is now a successful team manager of Advanced Materials BU Global Business.

What is the best advice you ever received?
“Believe in people but be aware of the basic human nature.”

If you could have an unlimited stockpile of one thing what would you choose?
Tough question…but I would say time.
What is the most memorable book that you read while a student at IMS?
“Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger
What is the best meal that you’ve ever had on vacation?
Lunch at a beautiful restaurant on top of a hill overlooking the Atlantic Ocean in San Sebastian, Spain. Amazing food with an amazing view.
What is your favorite song in your music library right now?
“Cheese & Wine” by DPR Live