After IMS, Hilary (“Hilly”) Novik Sandberg attended The Hotchkiss School and went on to play ice hockey and earn a bachelor’s degree in political science with a focus on international relations at Trinity College in Hartford, CT in 2011. Immediately following Trinity, Hilly earned a master’s degree in international affairs at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington, DC. While in graduate school, she held internships at the State Department, Council on Foreign Relations, the National Defense University, and finally in the government relations office of Occidental Petroleum (Oxy). From Oxy, Hilly was hired to work on North American energy issues at Eurasia Group, the world’s leading geopolitical risk research and consulting firm. She is currently an analyst at Eurasia Group, based in the New York City office, focusing on the intersection between political and regulatory risks and energy markets in the U.S. and Canada. Hilly recently married Derek Sandberg in Sharon, CT on June 24, 2017. In Hilly’s words, “Go Gray!”

What is the best advice you ever received?
This is tough as I have received so much incredible advice from my family, friends, and mentors, but one instance that stands out was when I was applying to colleges from Hotchkiss. Applying to colleges is a tough, stressful time, and I remember one day when I was feeling overwhelmed, my mom told me to “leave no stone unturned,” meaning when you really want something, make sure you explore every possibility. You will regret it if you don’t.
If you could have an unlimited stockpile of one thing what would you choose?

Ok this is gross, and everyone makes fun of me for it, but, marshmallows. Yes, I love marshmallows. Especially peeps. They are delicious.
What is the most memorable book that you read while a student at IMS?
The most memorable at IMS would have to be Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.” Not only is it a classic, but our sixth-grade class then performed it in front of the whole school! I was one of the witches, and remember I had the line “double, double toil and trouble!” It was so much fun.
What is the best meal that you’ve ever had on vacation?
I’ve been to Paris several times, and have to say that any meal I’ve had there has been hands down my favorite. From steak frites to tarte Tatin, French food is, in my opinion, unrivaled, and it doesn’t get any better than having it right there amid the beauty and glory of Paris!
What is your favorite song in your music library right now?

Well, this holiday season I’ve been listening to a lot of the holiday classics…but putting Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby aside, I would have to say my favorite song right now is “Want You Back” by Haim. “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons is probably a close second for favorite new(ish) songs.