Introduction to the SDGs
Introduction to the SDGs class is centered on providing a basic understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. These seventeen objectives, unanimously adopted by the UN member states in 2015, are designed to address social justice issues such as the reduction of poverty and equity, to environmental concerns, such as climate change and the protection of species and biomes. As course content, we make use of video lessons from a course offered by Columbia University’s Earth Institute in conjunction with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), as well as teacher generated lessons. In addition, the students gain some insight into the importance of data science by exploring the Gapminder website and associated tools. Given that the SDGs are informing the curriculum in a number of the other ninth grade courses and in anticipation of the Poquonook Solutions Project in the spring, the hope is that this class provides useful background information, allowed students to practice certain skills they will use during the project, and helped students see the connections between their academic work and issues in the world beyond Indian Mountain.
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