Sixth Science
In 6th grade science the main area of study is human biology and health through the lens of human body systems. Students investigate each of the systems of the body, their function and form, and their interactions with other systems. Students also explore other facets of human anatomy, like the five senses.
Using the graphic novel Human Body Theater by Maris Wick as our textbook, students are encouraged from day one to visualize these complex systems and use analogies to understand how they work. In addition to reading our textbook aloud and adopting different roles in each chapter (i.e. “spleen” and “esophagus’), students learn how to integrate vocabulary, take notes, discuss as groups, perform laboratory experiments, and write. Formal laboratory reports of class experiments are introduced in this class. Note taking skills are also reinforced as students develop group study guides and long answer prompts needed for quizzes and for reference throughout the year. Students also work together in groups to tackle projects that require them to create things like cell models, full length skeletons, balloon lungs, and more.
Students investigate the structural organization of the human body through its systems: skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, excretory, reproductive, endocrine, and nervous. The counseling center works with the class during the reproduction unit to help discuss and explain this sensitive subject. The counseling department and the organization FCD (Freedom from Chemical Dependency) also work closely with the class to inform them of the dangers associated with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
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