The Early Childhood Classroom at the Lower Campus has been dedicated to beloved Early Childhood Teacher Mrs. Kathleen Pressman. Mrs. Pressman received the honor at the Moving Up Ceremony on June 9, 2016.

Mrs. Pressman taught pre-kindergarten for 27 years (1987-2014), first at the Town Hill School and then the Lower Campus of Indian Mountain School. She is honored as a master teacher of  young children and a wise mentor and role model to her fellow teachers. Through the years, Mrs. Pressman collaborated on hundreds of themes, clubs, activities, projects, curriculum, and program development initiatives from sock puppets to dioramas to snake ties.

27 Years of Golden Phrases from an Expert Pre-K Teacher

On books:

“Books are for reading, little children, and not for drawing in.”
“If you read the story, you can remember the words.”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”

On clothes:
“Left boots go on the left foot, and right boots go on the right foot…”
“You put your hands in your mittens last, otherwise you can’t zip your coat.”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”

On hygiene:
“Fingers do not go inside noses. That could make a nosebleed…”
“We wash our hands after using the bathroom. With soap too…”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”

On manners:
“Little pirates… if you poke somebody, you won’t be in the parade, you will only be in the audience.”
“No, nope, we’re not doing that.”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”

On outside rules:
“You may not use each other as bowling pins on the hillside.”
“Your parents shouldn’t be holding your hand. They should teach you to run on your own.”
“You can’t say, ‘You can’t play’.”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”

On listening:

“You are not hearing my words. Listen to my words.”
“Frozen monkeys!”
“Turn on your brain. Think, think!”
“When you are talking to me, look at my face.
Otherwise I can’t hear you well.”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”

On emotions:
“OK, the boo-boo is all better. Now it’s time to turn off the tears and turn on your smile.”
“What are we going to do to solve the problem?”
“You can’t be in a grouchy mood all day. You have to decide to be cheerful.”
“Come on over and help solve the feelings.”
“Be Kind. Be Safe. Have fun!”