“Movember” has come to a close, and a successful one at that. This year, members of the IMS faculty and staff elected to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a moustache. The moustache is our ribbon, the means by which to raise awareness and funds for cancers that affect men. Much like the commitment to run or walk for charity, our commitment was to grow a moustache for 30 days.


Why a moustache? Simple. The theory behind the Mo is the potential a moustache has in generating conversations about men’s health.


This year’s team looked quite refined with their Mo’s. From the pencil thin to the handlebar, each Mo-member expressed their individuality in style. Additionally each member demonstrated a commitment to change the face of men’s cancer research, as well as their Thanksgiving family portraits, for the betterment of all.


Mo Team Captain Alex Shuman, in conjunction with the History department, organized a trivia contest to identify 25 famous or infamous Mo’s. The winner, yet to be revealed, will receive a free pizza. While attempting to identify these men of Mo, from Ambrose Burnside to The Beatles, students and faculty learned more about history as well as the Movember movement.


Through the combined efforts of this year’s team, IMS raised $375 to benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LIVESTRONG.